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宗豪(北京)建筑工程设计研究院,成立于 2000 年,是集建筑设计、工程建筑、建筑防水工程设计,工程设计技术咨询,工程设计与研究,工程招标代理,工程项目管理,工程信息咨询与咨询,软件开发、制版、印刷、装订一体化的印刷企业,专门从事各种宣传资料、招贴海报、图书杂志、大型画册、台历挂历、不干胶、包装等印刷业务,拥有 6台海德堡和 3 台三菱印刷机及北人对开单色胶印机和对开双色胶印机,通过了ISO9001质量体系的认证。 建筑工程设计资质等级为甲级。单位现共有260余人,其中海外成员20名,中国一级注册工程师10名,中国一级注册结构师13名。国家一级建筑师15名,主要分布北京、上海、广东、深圳、天津等各大城市。 本院建立企业内部项目组以及各地工作室之间的协同设计平台。AutoCad 2000i的引入及网络版工程设计协同管理系统的启用,使管理者能够及时、准确地获取信息,作出决策,掌握公司内各项目的进展及设计人员的设计生产状况,动态地对工程项目的全过程实施及时有效的控制及管理,并能严格执行质量管理体系(ISO) 。电子化的设计、校核、审定将有效地管理各阶段设计产品,实现图档管理的网络化、自动化。    本院建立开放的、能充分发挥建筑师创造力的新型人才机制。以独特的建筑文化及现代的管理手段,以国际先进设计企业为鉴,以人才为核心,建立且不断完善内部机制及人才结构,为有志于建筑事业的建筑师、工程师提供实现自我价值的舞台,以严谨、创新、务实的创作精神,创作出更好的建筑作品。 公司在营运中秉承“诚信为本、质量为根”的经营宗旨,以最优良的产品、最贴心的服务与客户建立长期的合作关系。 Ho Wai Yip in the (Beijing) Engineering Research Institute, founded in 2000, is set architectural design, construction, software development, plate-making, printing, binding integration in the printing enterprises Industry, specializing in various promotional materials, posters posters, books, magazines, large pictures, desk calendar calendars, stickers, packaging, printing business, with six of Heidelberg and three Mitsubishi presses and the North People outside off color and monochrome Offset Offset, passed the ISO9001 quality system certification. Qualification levels for the construction design of Class-A. There are currently more than 560 units, including 20 overseas members, a registered engineer in China 10, China registered a structure of 13 divisions. 15 architects at the national level, mainly located in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Shenzhen, Tianjin and other major cities. Our hospital to set up a business within the project team and studios around the synergies between the design platform. AutoCad 2000i version of the introduction of engineering design and network management system coordinated the opening of Managers can make timely and accurate access to information, decision-making, the master of the purpose of progress within the company and the design of the production design, dynamically on the whole process of project implementation in time Effective control and management and to strictly enforce the Quality Management System (ISO). Electronic design, verification, validation will be the effective management of all stages of product design and realization of the Document Management Network, Automation. Hospital establishing an open, creative architect can give full play to the talents of new mechanisms. Building a unique culture and modern management tools to advanced international design companies a lesson to people as the core, established and continuously improve their internal mechanisms and personnel structure, in the construction industry for aspiring architects, engineers realized the stage of self-worth To rigorous, innovative, creative and pragmatic spirit, to create a better architectural works. Trading in the company in adhering to the "integrity-based, quality is the root" business purpose, to the best products, services and the most intimate of customers to establish long-term relations of cooperation. 详情请浏览本设计院的网页 http://www.zonghaoweiye.com/lx.html

电话:86-010-87568372 传真86-010-67578972